There are several reasons why poultry can benefit from eating insects instead of grain. Here are some of those reasons: 

There is no doubt that insects are a rich source of protein, fats, and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are very important for the growth and development of poultry, and which are also very nutritious. It is also important to know that they contain essential amino acids that are essential for the health of the birds. Furthermore, these bugs are also known to have a high content of vitamins A and E, which are considered to be beneficial for poultry’s immunity and overall health.

There is no doubt that insects are highly digestible for poultry, which means they can be easily broken down and absorbed by the digestive system of the birds. Providing a high-quality diet for young birds is especially important, as they need a high-quality diet in order to support the rapid growth they are experiencing. 

Behaviorally, poultry are natural foragers who like to hunt and peck for food in order to survive. It has been found that birds who eat insects are able to keep their minds stimulated and can reduce their stress levels. This helps them to stay healthy, agile and active, providing a great source of nourishment for the birds.

The use of insects as a protein source for poultry is more sustainable when compared to the use of grains as a protein source for poultry. When compared with traditional poultry feed sources, insects require less land, water, and feed to produce the same amount of protein as traditional poultry feed sources. Additionally, insect protein sources have a much lower carbon footprint, making them a far more eco-friendly option.

A reduction in the use of antibiotics can be achieved by feeding poultry with insects rather than antibiotics alone. In the poultry industry, antibiotic resistance is an issue that is becoming more of a concern, and using insects as a source of protein can reduce the need for antibiotics to be used in feeds. Insects can provide a valuable source of protein for poultry, helping to reduce the need for antibiotics and reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Consequently, it can be concluded that feeding poultry insects can provide a nutrient-rich, easily digestible, and sustainable source of protein for poultry, as well as promote natural behavior and reduce the need for antibiotics in poultry.

So it seems that feeding your poultry insects is the way to go if you want to keep them healthy and happy – that’s the buzz!